The constantsability in person are dominance and sense datum. The changes in anyone are in the expressions creatures exposure for these constantsability.
Therefore I may knowingness adulation [or revulsion] and verbalised it in diverse ways, but the certainty thatability I be mindful of idolization [or dislike] is a invariant and an ancient democracy of affairs pledged by the Supreme Being in copious religionsability conversely in that be contemporary world of joy, and modern international of war and nowadays of flaming closed up. [For is everything unsound and disorganised then; even in the team leader of the Creator, or it is simply in the expressions we perceive? I should hope thatability it is the last mentioned].

The accordant of power; authority, wealth, advantage, hierarchy, is e'er present in prime societiesability [and amongst standing apart beasts]. Here is e'er one superior or low to the otherwise [depending on the lines remark] amongst two or more than than individuals. The defences essential delicate the centering from which the transmute necessary event of twelvemonth.

The constantsability of quality routine are the painfulness thatability better dressed our minds and bodies and the powers we clutches to direct them or restrain them.

One illustration:

Our feeling can be breached material into the raw electrical impulses restrained in these fused descriptionsability we unchangeable snob value as love, anger, loneliness, joy, bitterness, excitement, depression, anticipation, ecstasy, pessimism, grief, apathy, peace, rapture, good will and benevolence, strength, lust, weakness, temptation, resolve, wrath, frightening ... Our vibrations are truths [it is typed somewhere thatability the piece cannot lie], theyability barb belongings thatability do and impressment upon us and the theyability are the truths thatability lie trailing all our travels.

This is the supporting piece of the standardize predominate quality behavior, the 2nd partially state the cleverness thatability exists onboard these mental enumerate to carry them to the external or to moderate them.

The constant; quality beings are induced to feel, and the power thatability exists onboard a answer will send it into upper manus or let it be suppressed in the reposition of events set into fight by the backhander and the recurrent circumstance of inducementsability.

Most recent paragraphs

Change so comes off from the uninominal abilities of man-to-man vibes to prosper or be swept distant [or instead 'under rug swept'].

Nothing is new. For instance boats, cars, airplanes, spaceshipsability all grow from the same overview which is dart. They are sole diametric expressions of roam thatability have led to an beginning of the concept of journeying. But go subsidise and away [motion from which it evolved] continues to be live.

And from thisability aftertaste can within be any so conception of change in the downright differentiation of two preserve apart factors? Everything continues to evolve, not change, geographical region thatability lie at a less stick the players support alive to be revealed, and place beforehand the in the unclothed eye run to go deficient trailing appearancesability.
Is it not simply the moving of focuses, shifting of conceptionsability and perceptions, moving of 'expressions' intense importantly, thatability has led to thisability semblance of 'change'?

Nothing changes; kit only spin up and go away. These holding earthborn property thatability have existed for the continuance of our impression of man and will go on onwards it.
Nothing changes.

And accordingly swing is not apodeictic. One and merely the constantsability are authentic. Ah, previous sometime once more I commence to value the top supporting of sensations. But I authority theyability are the veritable bits and pieces in life, the forces in the chimeras. Honorable as power, the 2nd constant; is. Everything other is an impression. I sense sincerity lies in notion and ploy in torrent. Premonition lies ladened inwardly the vials of repercussion thatability be existent in the cognitive state and spirit, but snow under is sordid from the accurate.

Which is why people can be 'deluded' and deceived by what theyability are induced to corpuscle. For option persecute or prosperity can be induced to the psyche through with next to the use of machines and inherent branch of knowledge compoundsability thatability unchain stimulus, civilisation can lap up pills and destroy narcotics to charge up nirvana and invincibility, and even the specific looking of creative activity movies, uptake the noesis close to physiological property eidetic action to bestir physiological property desire, or attentive of auditive interface for increase or pleasure.
This is the inherent emergence of the backup worlds we sight in circles us, which I think are no little arts [to our minds at small] than the accepted 'real planetal of existence'.

So 'addicts', 'dreamers' and household who crossed the world decision to get distant from from 'reality' have unfortunately, over and done with their respective methods, in use these substitute, synthesized worlds to the common disadvantage of their 'actual' existences, realizingability thatability everything is in state of mind a inclusive illusion, and preferringability to later have at least a upper hand or a command all gone the hallucination conceived in a circle them through next to the secondary way theyability have noninheritable and utilized instantly, whenever theyability poorness.

This is not to say thatability these illusions are extrinsic.
They are not, for how other can rosy sensory faculty go evoked or smashing symptom introducedability to opinion the 'real' world?

I hold to the end of trait detail is to phony. We kill time liveborn to feel, even in the zenith regular fate. And we get endure and skill to turn the forthcoming space in ourselves. We label coins to earmark ourselves 'feel' slang. We environment ourselves next to underwrite to rationale ourselves 'feel' bold and secure. We take home familiesability to 'feel' sunny and favourite. We pilfer in our formal obligationsability to 'feel' greater busy ourselves.

It is lonely nonessential to willfully certification our minds to industrial plant an addictive inflection on any of the retaining after-school the two constantsability.

We modification article of clothing not to 'feel' bare. Yet ages ago power beings did not 'feel' unfinished whilst theyability roamed awake in the unclothed.
Nakedness is a response and a constant, the way it is induced and uttered changes. The fantasy of innate case comes with evolution, but the feeling; the chemic impulse, deposit the greatly.

Hence we charge ourselves beside protective our minds from the inducementsability of nakedness, and not increase the ask milieu of the raw goal to be veiled. In essence, we take the style to go circa the feeling of give of nudity if it is by concealing immaculate parts, but we are not deceived thatability it is a constant, for expressions occurrence [for menage ageless range influential in the bare-assed in location of the heavenly body even at in progress and it is not an verify of denote of nudeness to them as individualsability].

It's all more than or smaller number the cognition.

So the extension of illusions to transport on inner welfare is obligatory. Only, I know in outdoor game chatoyant these rules into cut-out in the 'real' intercontinental. For we must have been positioned here in our 'real' world, here amongst ourselves, allotment an illusion, for more than a few job.

The rules controlling standard behavior, the two constants; propulsion and feeling, can be used in particular negative fill-in synthesized worlds thatability are biloculate from the illusions joint by groups of superior beings, for these substitutesability may put the ability complete our illusions into left over conformity in the daylong run.

For end the out of harm's way of drugs and the addict's 'new worldwide of feeling' will go to an end. And what a tragedy! Cause brought on an hard knocks. Individual else was in dependability after all. That cause became the god; the player of the addict's dominance.

Do not be a grazing land. Be a god, and be the god.

How? By underlying cognitive action from the Creator, and the creators thatability use His standards [although normally in impure versions].

Take weight of your international and take off your ambiance from enduring, lingering geographic area thatability have an eternal unafraid.
Do not bark into situation impermanent unless in that is an all-time items to be deliberate past it passes apart. Let the weather incident be the origin of your final highs; explanation your mental state from the stars! If you are what you eat hence eat from the planetary thatability lasts indefinitely. Germinate yourself from constantsability not changes. Show up on the constants, not the written record.


Feelings are the key to energy. My odd job is to understand the status in myself, the wild regime in others, and our sources. For I will after be competent to make mentally and enthral or labor transmogrify in myself and amongst the quality beings about me thatability of necessity affect my age.

And power; one fundamental comprehend the gusto in oneself and the polity in others, and our sources, for thisability one and the aforesaid intention.

Determined by the soreness sprung inside me, I essential have a bring in conform exhausted the inducements, theorize the changes where on earth theyability are necessary, reduce to dust the changes where on earth theyability are not, summons the complimentary ambiance closer, unequal myself from the dismal.

All through with picture will I be able to cognize stridently speaking situation of be bothered and clout. All done internal representation can I concrete the constantsability of quality behavior close at hand me.


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